Ça marche

Prouvés par des tests cliniques indépendants

En 8 semaines :

La profondeur des rides diminue jusqu’à

- 53%

La fermeté de la peau augmente jusqu’à

+ 59%

La densité de la peau s’améliore jusqu’à

+ 26%

L’hydratation profonde augmente jusqu’à

+ 100%

Independent Clinical Studies (56 days) of ArganCellActiv® treatment:
Results may vary with different patients*
Results may vary with different patients*
Results may vary with different patients*
Results may vary with different patients*
Results may vary with different patients*
Clinical Case Studies
6 months case study
With treatment

Applying Booster

Serum & Booster Cream daily.

Without treatment

Usual hand cream

6 weeks case study

Booster Serum, once a day

Followed by non-branded moisturizing cream

Results may vary with different patients*
15 days case study

3Deep Cleanser, once a day, and Radical3 Reboot Pro Peel, twice a week

Followed by Dr. LEVY Switzerland® Booster Serum and Booster Cream

Results may vary with different patients*
30-minute routine case study

3Deep Cleanser and R3 Cell Matrix Mask

Results may vary with different patients*

*Independent clinical studies, Switzerland and France 2011-2013. Women aged 35-61.

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